5 Effective Home Remedies for Migraines
At least 4.9 million Australians suffer from migraines, a neurological condition that is characterised by severe, intense, and often debilitating headaches, as well as a host of other conditions like nausea, vomiting, light, sound and smell sensitivity. In fact, 23% of households have at least one member suffering from migraine, and the condition often runs in the family and can affect individuals of all ages.
Migraines can even be so intense in some people that they choose to just stay at home and isolate themselves, which means missing out on family time and events with friends.
Migraines are usually diagnosed by assessing the symptoms and clinical history of a patient to rule out other underlying conditions that could be causing these severe headaches. Migraines can also be classified as “classic” (migraines with aura) or “common” (migraines without aura), and there are many other classifications like “ocular migraine, vestibular migraine, barometric migraine etc.
Regardless of the type, people with migraines can suffer a lot. It could even affect their quality of life if not addressed right away.
If you’re one of those who suffer from debilitating migraine symptoms, you’d be glad to know that you can find a natural remedy for migraine. Here are some tried-and-tested home remedies that you can try.
1. Get some morning sunlight
Seeing the morning sunlight is a great way to start the day, but it is also helpful as a natural remedy for migraines. A recent study showed that melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep, is low in people who suffer from migraines. This is also why people with such a condition are 2-8 times more likely to suffer from sleeping problems. Most chronic migraine sufferers have insomnia, which is why it’s very important to find a good migraine remedy.
Morning sunlight is responsible for kickstarting the process of melatonin production in the body, so getting enough of it can help with regulating your sleep at night.

Get some morning sun outside your house for at least 15 minutes every day without wearing any contact lenses or glasses. Go out early to get as much of the sunrise as possible, but avoid exposing yourself to intense midday sunlight, as it could have an adverse effect instead.
2. Block blue light from digital screens
You may not be completely aware of it, but blue light is everywhere these days and too much exposure from it is actually harmful to your health. This is especially true for people suffering from migraines. Many migraine sufferers do not know that blue light can destroy the melatonin that you have made during the day from sunlight. Blue light entering your eye destroys melatonin levels in your body. Night time melatonin release is what allows you to fall asleep. So if you can, make sure that you block such light from the digital screens of gadgets that you use often.

Check out these ways to reduce your blue light exposure as a natural remedy for migraines:
Take advantage of “night mode”
Many mobile devices and computers have the “night mode” option that reduces blue light. This will help warm the lighting on the screen to make it easier on the eyes. If you don’t have this option, you can use an app that will enable your device to use this feature.
Turn your computer or mobile phone off
Cut the habit of using your mobile phone or laptop when you’re about to sleep. Experts suggest that you should turn off these devices at least 2-3 hours before going to bed. This will give your eyes time to relax, and most importantly will not destroy the melatonin that you have made during the day. This will allow you to settle down for a good night’s sleep.
Change your light bulbs
Fluorescent lights are one of the most common sources of blue light. So if you’re still using them in your home, it’s time to replace them with LED lights that offer warmer tones. You can also open up your house to take advantage of natural light.
Use a “blue blocker”
You can easily find “blue blockers” or blue light filtering glasses that will help protect your eyes against blue light.
Give your eyes a break
Frequent blinking helps refresh your eyes, especially if you’re constantly exposed to blue light. It’s also very important to look away from any digital screen once at least every 20 minutes to make sure that you give your eyes some much-needed rest.
3. Eat foods rich in magnesium
Magnesium offers a lot of benefits to the body. It helps maintain blood pressure, improves bone health and nerve function, and keeps your heart in a healthy rhythm. However, consuming magnesium offers more benefits than these!
According to another study, people who suffer from migraines often have low levels of magnesium. And, it reveals that taking magnesium regularly helps reduce the occurrence of migraines by 41.6%.
Aside from taking daily supplements, you can add magnesium-rich foods in your diet as part of your remedy for migraine. Dark leafy green vegetables, like chard and spinach, are especially rich in magnesium, so consuming one cup of either of these vegetables will already fulfil 40% of your daily recommended magnesium intake.

Other magnesium-rich foods include almonds, seeds, figs, avocado, black beans, bananas, dark chocolate, and lentils.
4. Get enough sleep
We all know the importance of sleep to a healthy body, but it becomes more important when you suffer from migraines.
Several studies have shown that most headache disorders are influenced by lack of sleep. And, according to one, some migraine attacks usually occur between 04:00 AM and 09:00 AM, which suggests that it could be influenced by a timing mechanism related to the circadian rhythm, sleep cycle, or both.
Lack of or excessive sleep are both known causes of migraines. Changes in the body clock due to work shifts or jet lag are also known to trigger attacks, which further proves that migraines can be influenced by sleep and the circadian rhythm.
Other studies also suggest that excessive sleepiness could be a sign of an upcoming migraine attack, so interventions can be done to prevent it, such as using the migraine stopper when you are feeling especially tired.

By following the recommendation of getting natural morning sunlight and blocking blue light you will have the best chance at making and keeping your melatonin, which is needed for a great night's sleep.
Getting enough sleep is a natural migraine remedy:
Create a sleep schedule
As much as possible, go to bed and get up at the same time each day. This will help you keep your circadian rhythm normal and avoid a migraine attack.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime
Make sure that you don’t consume any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages at least three hours before bedtime, as this can affect the overall quality of your sleep.
Spend more time outdoors during the day
When you’re cooped up in the house and not seeing any daylight, it will be hard for your body to adjust to the different times of the day. By spending some time outdoors under natural daylight, your body can get the signal that will help fine-tune your body clock so you can get that much-needed sleep during the night.
Exercise but not before bedtime
Having an exercise routine is already beneficial to your overall health, but you’ll thank yourself more for sweating it out regularly if you have migraines. In a way, it helps you get better sleep at night. Just don’t run on your treadmill or do Zumba before bedtime because the adrenaline could make it difficult for you to sleep.
Keep digital screens out of the bedroom
Your bedroom should only be primarily used for sleeping and not doing anything else. If possible, try not to put a TV set in it and keep your laptop out as well. Things like studying, watching TV, or working should be done somewhere else.
Create a conducive environment for sleeping
Make your bedroom feel like a sanctuary for relaxation. It should be quiet, dark, and comfortable. You can even add plants or some scented candles to help you relax as you drift off to sleep.
5. Apply water to the face
Water can do wonders as a natural migraine remedy particularly if you apply it when you get the sense a migraine attack may be coming. If you don’t have any medication at hand, you can apply cold water to your face. Cold water on the face stimulates the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is a “parasympathetic nerve “ which has a calming effect on the body.
Stimulation of the vagus nerve has been shown to help with migraines. Start very gently with just small amounts of cold water on our face. If you get a sense of relief, apply more cold water over your entire face, including your forehead right down to under your chin. Keep applying as long as you get a sense of relief or wellbeing from doing it.

You Can Cope With Your Migraines In A Healthy Way!

Migraines are not the easiest things to deal with, that’s for sure. They could happen at any time and when you least expect them, which makes things extra stressful for you and even your loved ones.
If you don’t address the problem, it could start to affect the quality of your life in the long run. Before that happens, make sure that you keep a list of these simple home remedies and incorporate them into your daily routine.
Adam Meredith is passionate about helping people get better in a natural and holistic way.
You’ve experienced debilitating migraines all your life, but haven’t been able to find a natural, cost-effective solution. The Migraine Stopper will help stop your migraines in a healthy, non-invasive way, allowing you to spend more time with your family, and live life the way you should! Find out more.